English conversation lessons


English conversation sessions started in October 2013 and still continue to flourish. Five people have attended more than 100 times.

The sessions are currently held weekly on Mondays but this can change depending on people's availability and the number of people attending.

As the name suggests, the sessions are purely for conversation purposes, rather than for formal learning.

Enquiries for joining are also received from people living in other parts of Amstelveen and in Amsterdam, who have seen the text on the Elsrijk website and are interested in the concept.

The sessions are run by Linda Edwards, an English national, who describes herself as a tutor rather than a teacher, and who is continually delighted by the enthusiasm of the participants.

Here are some of their comments:

“We enjoy the conversations, because they are informal and in a relaxed way we learn a lot about how to communicate in English !”

“As a participant I would like to comment that these sessions contribute to perfecting the use of the English language in a very friendly setting. It does not matter if there is a difference in the knowledge of the English language between the participants, for each of us there is something to learn or to improve. I hope these sessions will continue for many years.”

“We vertellen elkaar over bijzonderheden in onze afgelopen week, geven elkaar tips over dingen die we leuk zouden vinden om te doen en leren daarmee ongemerkt de buurtgenoten in ons groepje kennen. De stemming vind ik altijd goed. Misschien is dat wel de reden van het succes van deze Stadsdorp-activiteit.”

Conclusion: happy people.

For more information, contact Linda Edwards: linda.edwards-white@hotmail.com.




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Linda Edwards